MIT App Inventor

Our HSC Silvy Members actively participate in helping young children in elementary schools to learn a broader area of STEM. Recently, partnering with Sartorette Elementary School, we have provided App Development Lessons every Thursday and Friday after school. Through the MIT App Inventors Program, our members have been teaching coding. A large concern that our Organization had was a possible lack of equipment or accessibility to the needed materials for the class. As a donation from our non-profit organization, we provided 10 HP Chromebook G7 for every student to participate comfortably and without a concern of needing a personal computer!

“We hope that any student can participate even without a personal computer through our donation” – HSC

Sartorette Math Tutoring

We have reached the Sartorette Elementary School students in another way too! Our members have been actively tutoring 3rd Graders weekly, customizing curriculums, and assisting them outside of their school work. As much as schools teach you, our motive is to further support and cultivate these students for their brightest future. Our organization is looking forward to further expanding our audience soon, so make sure to check out our upcoming events!